Friday, March 7, 2008

A Problem

This post has no cute things, but here is a major problem: whenever I see something cute, I also think "Does it taste delicious?" Example- koalas and pandas. I think they'd taste like chocolate and strawberries. This is probably due to eating way too many koala and panda cookies as a child and somehow convincing myself that inside these fuzzy creatures lies a veritable Nevada silver lode of delicious frosting. Also, the outside is crunchy cookies. Yum!  Somewhat related: Mimees are not as tasty as quails.

This does not explain my obsession with lamb. Lamb is just so tasty. I will even eat it raw (explanation- lamb kibbeh can be eaten raw, but it is seasoned and mixed with grains and onions). 

Cute animals not to be eaten: cats because they probably taste awful and because I love cats too much, cute animals that taste like crap, very small rodents (full of bones and just a crunchy disaster area).